Now not the IPCC but the media chose to focus on the general rough conclusion, meaningful in no more than a political way, that now they are 95% certain man is creating warming. The details however were never entered into in any significant detail by a single report. But they are here, and I will work my way through them one by one:
Atlantic MOC collapse: I suspect they have put this in for the same effect it had on me. What the heck?
Ice sheet collapse: No
Permafrost carbon release: No (CO2 to you and me, ie no positive feedback there)
Clathrate methane release: Yes, but very unlikely. In their own glossary, this means almost zero, so slightly above no just in case it ever did happen. This is more positive feedback much vaunted by the likes of Greenpeace out the window and from their claims (but not mine as I researched it) quite a big one.
Forest diebacks: Very unlikely
Long term droughts: Very unlikely
That's quite a lot gone now. What's not mentioned are the floods, hurricanes and tornadoes (not in this table at least) which many others prior to this report also raised figures for after President Obama claimed they had increased, but they haven't. So they probably won't either.
In conclusion:
The IPCC appear to be saying they are now almost certain man has warmed the planet, but the consequences are way below what they said in every other report, mainly because they have had over twenty years to see what happened in the real world compared to their models.
To me, that says it all.