Wednesday, 9 January 2013

2013's climate crackers

It's January the 10th, and we've had:

The Hebrew University summary of climate data showing no significant warming or human influence

The Met Office revising their decadal guess prediction horoscope projection to complete two decades with no warming worldwide.

NASA releasing the results of a massive study showing solar changes do in fact have a far greater effect on climate than thought.

One (the Met Office) has been reported widely, although released on 24th of December, a vigorous campaign by the GWPF (Nigel Lawson's outfit) meant an eventual release yesterday worldwide. The university study, by far the most important, was missed entirely, despite including and contradicting the fully reported BEST report earlier in the year by Berkeley University. NASA only reported today and to be fair is so obscure to the average person is almost guaranteed to be kept to the internet. But we have three continents almost simultaneously confirming what informed skeptics with and without scientific qualifications have been saying for years. Will the rest of the world now start to catch up?

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