There are three levels of knowledge in life. A perfect example exists to illustrate this. Very few bankers own a credit card but sell them and make their living from other people using them and often getting into serious debt and ruining their and their family's lives. And the third level are the people who can see exactly what's happening, would never use a credit card, but can't apparently do a fucking thing to stop it.
For 'credit cards' you can also replace with 'solar panels', 'wind turbines' and 'electric cars' for the 21st century variations of SELLING YOU DOWN THE RIVER.
Think about it and share if you get it.
If people trust their authorities they will accept whatever they are told and are always shocked the rare times they are exposed as criminals. This material allows everyone to read the signs and spot the patterns everywhere and not be taken in. The same psychological methods have been used to create illusions since the bible mentioned the serpent, and the ways to see through them have been the same as well.
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