Monday, 12 August 2013

They are not our friends

I was told years ago the government are not our friends, and do not look after us but themselves. Anything they do in our favour is either a bribe or a coincidence. Once you have that view you start looking for examples, and every now and again in a policy or a throwaway comment they prove it, in the form sometimes of an open confession few will even notice.

1) Low interest rates. The current UK rate of 0.5% helps a third to a quarter as many people who borrow as the great majority who saves. The banks and governments however do borrow at 0.5% while others still pay a few percent to a few thousand depending on the nature and length of the loan. So in this example, there would be no logical reason for any government to hurt the large majority of society, unless it helps them instead.

2) Renewable energy. Wind turbines cost around ten times more per watt than fossil fuel, and even then by their nature can't ever produce the small amounts of power, often in short bursts (like the wind, basically) which ends up wasting half as it's produced when not needed, and staying idle the rest of the time. They need power to start them up, turn them to the wind, heat them when freezing and stop them when too windy. Then a real power station must be on permanently to back them up, again whether or not the power it uses is drawn on. They can't produce on demand so waste their energy as well while they are not being drawn on, wasting energy twice. The maintenance is vastly expensive when they go wrong and use millions of tons of concrete for the foundations. They will never be able to produce more usable power than they cost.

Solar panels only work in sunny areas during the long days, which is stating the obvious unless you've bought them already and clearly forgotten. People buy them for the guaranteed subsidies simply taken from everyone else's bills, and in the winter when they are needed the most can hardly work at all outside the tropics. So you have a system which produces a weak amount of energy (the atmosphere reduces the sunlight by 25 times) and if stored can only be released when there's enough time during the daylight to build enough up. So their production decreases directly with the amount required.

Wood chips are supposed to be a waste product of the building industry, yet besides costing three times more than fossil fuel Britain can't produce their own and import them from the US. As trees are a restricted commodity there will be a point reached where the annual requirement for wood chips can never be met worldwide as the trees can't grow fast enough to be cut down and burnt.

Biofuel clears either existing crops or rain forest, and creates monocultures of corn and palm oil which instead of being used for food (they don't grow more corn, but take a proportion of it) is burnt despite there being hundreds of year's worth of coal at the very least.

Again, the figures are absolutely known in every aspect. Everyone, even the buyers, know for example an electric car can only be fuelled at a point (even if you have to wait many hours when you reach one), but still buy the things and somehow wipe from their minds the inevitable point when they will find themselves, probably on a cold winter night when they need the heater and maybe the wipers on, and forget the usual 50 mile range is down to 30 or 40. Even if they run out a mile from home, they may be able to walk home, but how will they get the car back? Answers on a postcard please. And wait till the battery runs out, a new one costs the value of the car.

3) Unemployment. Throwaway comments can be the destruction of any criminal's career, as when you're a crook your truth is criminality. You lie to appear genuine, and your victims who believe they are your customers pay for the products of your front business, while the money is almost certain to never reach its final destination of a full return plus profits. So for example someone spends £8000 on a solar panel, despite the maths explain on the brochure you will only save £300 a year (based on subsidies and average annual output, which cannot be known in advance), meaning they can't produce a profit for well over 20 years, and how many people will still be there by then? I don't think you can take them with you, plus the wiring and inverter to convert DC to AC. But some solar power drops off after a few years, and some pack up long before the 20 years is up. Then they need cleaning every year, and guess what it costs to get a man up to wipe them clean. Whichever way you arrange the figures the only person making a profit are the sales chain. Now if someone like, say, the managing director of Siemens, said to his staff "We all know solar is a waste of money but the profits are so great we must get involved anyway". This was reported by a number of staff at a meeting when it happened, but for the economic realities of reducing subsidies and maybe customers waking up to the figures gradually then they didn't do it for very long. And the simple observation very few bankers own a credit card. Follow the insiders, they know, and if they don't buy GM food or aspartame in their drinks then neither should you.

Our great new leader, Mark Carney of the Bank of England, for the first time ever gave conditions for the rise in interest rates he wasn't planning to do. Unemployment must fall to below 7% from 7.8%, subject to various other conditions. The Daily Mail reported how investors are dreading this week's unemployment figures, as if they are too low then it could mean an earlier rise in interest rates.

These are the bankers who gain from low interest rates, like property companies gain from high property prices while the owners never can, and are both a tiny minority of society. The government and the bankers work in tandem, sharing the low interest rates and passing bonds and futures between them to enrich whoever wins the bets, while it's our money they're gambling with as they stole it from investors in deposits and pensions. So we already know the government are not looking after us with low interest rates, but the people they are looking after, the bankers, want the country to have high unemployment as they make more profits from it. You can't please all the people all the time, but surely you should look after the majority wherever possible, and never try and profit from their misfortunes. As Mark Carney has now guaranteed will happen.

It is one thing to spend years of detective work tracing money and tracking down perpetrators to spend weeks or months presenting evidence in court before possibly winning a guilty verdict, and having policies which openly admit 'We are ripping you off' in ten foot tall flashing letters. How much more evidence does anyone need, that you can not only prove our government is looking after a small group of already successful people, but probably the great majority of all its other policies are doing the same thing in less obvious ways? We can elect new people, and the rise of UKIP is proving this with their growing support ahead of the next elections, but until the majority actually discover how the current three parties (as they don't disagree on any of these policies) are all out to get us, or at least not out to help us, things can never change. Unless you want them to.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Hiding in plain sight

It's all 100% engineered:

Low interest rates remove around 60-70% of wealth overall as savers outnumber borrowers, they then push up house prices which mean people spend more of their incomes on them, and debase the currency (treason) as investment moves elsewhere with greater returns. QE guarantees this situation and in itself could be the basis of an accusation of debasing the currency against statute law.
Pyramid schemes involving renewable energy have knowingly removed billions from the world economy to the hands of the mafia, as wind and solar cost more to produce than they can ever return in the random weak levels of power they produce. Everyone can learn the measurements of costs and output and they do not make a usable profit, remove the subsidies (theft) and they would never have been manufactured. Those are the symptoms of a sick and corrupt world government system who could never have managed it unless they all work together as a team (mafia).

Fixing economic rates centrally in the Eurozone guarantees the decline of the poorer members in order to maintain order in the system and force ever closer union as their failure requires greater and greater political as well as economic merger with consequent loss of individual governance.
This is quite probably the most corrupt period in world history, and ironically (because of the internet) one of the easiest to see yet organised schemes such as the long term fixing of the
Libor rate, and hiding doctored evidence in Hillsborough for 23 years without a single criminal charge proves we have been living in a growing diseased world for decades. Every single cause of the credit crash has remained in place, the banks have seen few if any new regulations and not a single criminal prosecution outside Iceland. Structured financial instruments alone were able to act as time bombs, hiding toxic debts inside AAA rated packages, which, like beef sausages, only needed a few percent of beef to qualify. Banks were not concerned over losing money over unrepayable debts, as they earned up front fees and then sold them on to unsuspecting investors whilst hiding in packages so complex even the sellers and banking authorities could not decipher them.

This is all now totally visible and incontrovertible, and above that the fact virtually all of it is continuing exactly as before, with credit cards still being offered to people unable to service them, and limits rising once taken on despite no funds to ever repay them, proves it is a deliberate and organised system connecting the entire western world, no different to any of the banana republics who have been doing the same in their own countries for decades beforehand and simply left to it as they weren't affecting many people elsewhere. Nowadays the only difference between them is how well the west can hide it in plain sight, the evidence being presented many times over now to prove exactly what they have done and continue to do unhindered by the keys of knowledge available for all.

Everyone could see this and blow it away within days, but faith in governments and our superiors maintains the system through nothing but the illusion created by authority. Every piece required to prove three times over these crooks are running the world and how is already out there but they see it as a personal attack on those carrying out the atrocities who they have grown to love above their own families.

Getting the con in one paragraph.

There are three levels of knowledge in life. A perfect example exists to illustrate this. Very few bankers own a credit card but sell them and make their living from other people using them and often getting into serious debt and ruining their and their family's lives. And the third level are the people who can see exactly what's happening, would never use a credit card, but can't apparently do a fucking thing to stop it.

For 'credit cards' you can also replace with 'solar panels', 'wind turbines' and 'electric cars' for the 21st century variations of SELLING YOU DOWN THE RIVER.

Think about it and share if you get it.